About Me

Hey! I am Eddie Tan, a software engineering student at the Singapore Institute of Technology. I am a problem solver with a passion for learning new technologies and building things that help people. I am a highly motivated and proactive individual who always looks for new challenges to solve.
Over the years, I have worked on various projects that provide me an opportunity to learn and grow as a developer. Check out some of my projects in the project section.
I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any opportunities.
My Skills

This application is a recipe searcher where anyone can easily input ingredients that they have at home and our application will return out recipes that the user can make given the ingredients. It aims to reduce food wastage in Singapore by providing the users a way to find recipe by searching for recipe using leftover ingredients found in their home.

Robo Car
Robo Car aims to engage kids who are aged from 10 to 13 who do not have any prior programming knowledge. It aims to help kids learn critical problem solving and computational thinking skills through a robotic car gamified feedback system. The kids can remotely control the car through the web portal and solve maze games.

ReactJS Hangman Game
Hangman is a game where the user has to guess the word that is hidden in the word bank. The user has to guess the word correctly or else the user loses the game after guessing the word wrong for 6 times. I built this game to learn ReactJS and for the TikTok Youth Camp Project.

HX-Bank is a fictitious bank that was created that aims to help users to manage their finances. Users can have a look at their account balance, transfer money to other users, and view their transaction history. I built this website to learn more about secure development, continuous integration, and deployment using Jenkins pipelines.

Hoi Hub is an interactive Jupyter Notebook where users can analyzes video data for activity recognition. It is a AI-based activity recognition system that leveraging well-established repositories, including Toyota Smart Home, I3D Feature Extraction, and Nvidia STEP, PyTorch I3D for deep learning and TSU evaluation for performance metrics.